Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis (2022) Movie Review

A group of cult cultists still exists around us. Without realizing it, they also mingled with each other like normal people. However, behind it all, they keep a dangerous secret. Cilers, have you heard about sectarian groups?

There are many reports of murders related to heretical cults, if you don’t believe you can do a Google search. So there are many mysterious events beyond common sense. This time around, Visinema is teaming up with Legacy Pictures to screen a horror film that deals similarly with the rituals of a cult cult.

Titled Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis, the film is the directorial debut of Mizam Fadila Ananda and also the horror debut of protagonist Sheryl Sheinafia as Tia. How is the cult story presented in this film? Come on, check out the review below!

Summary of the movie Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

This movie tells the story of a woman named Tia (Sheryl Sheinafia), she has an older sister who studies out of town. But from two years ago, her brother suddenly disappeared without a word. A series of strange events befall him and his father (Teuku Rifnu), from which he often hears strange whispers telling him to find his brother immediately.

Carrying a photo left by his brother, he finally arrives in the city where his brother attended university to look for clues. He also lives in a boarding house owned by Mrs. Rosa (Putri Ayudya), who is suspected of having lived with his sister when he was in college.

Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

Rosa herself is a very kind and friendly woman. However, he felt something odd behind Rosa’s friendly attitude. Not only that, but Tia also began to experience many mystical things, one of which frequently had strange dreams.

Meanwhile, a young man named Nathan (Omar Daniel) warns Tia and asks her to leave the inn immediately. Then Tia begins to realize that she is facing a curse and a cult.

The cult seems to worship the character Kanjeng Devil for the sake of achieving prosperity. However, in return, they have to sacrifice human lives. Terror after terror came and many lives were sacrificed. Meanwhile, Tia is trapped too deep and she has trouble finding a way out. So, how can Tia escape all the horror and find out the truth about her brother’s disappearance?

Reviews of the movie Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

Stories close to society

Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis doesn’t just present the ritual story of a sect. However, behind all the stories given seem to be close to the phenomena taking place around us. Still many people perform rituals with their own purposes and desires.

Review Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

Before this movie was released, through the official Instagram account ‘Tumbal Kanjeng Devil’ shared information about heretical cults whose existence is close to us. In fact, not only in Indonesia, there are also many sects abroad with many followers.

Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis doesn’t necessarily just present rituals but also spice up a heartwarming family movie. Struggle, sacrifice and willingness to give up are also important points in this film. The director wants to express any moral message that feels close to the community.

One of them is children who migrate to other people’s cities to study and work. Regarded as boarding children, they are suitable targets for sacrifice or even influence to want to join their cult.

Full of thrilling scenes

Coward? Don’t watch alone! The atmosphere throughout the movie is really tense, the placement of the jumpscare has the right feeling to bring a sense of suspense from scene to scene. Starting from the very beginning to the end, everything seemed appealing. As if ready to bring a feeling of fear to the audience.

Starting from the long scenes to the details, it is presented with great care so that it presents a feeling of fear and horror. Furthermore, players unite in animating and building relationships between the characters they play.

Movie Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

Not only did the main cast perform well, the supporting actors also performed equally well.

Many puzzles are given, making the audience have to follow a sequence and focus throughout as the film begins. Otherwise, you will miss important details that can be used as clues to the next scene.

Intuitive assistance and skillful scoring

Although Kanjeng Devil’s form is not in human form, that alias is just a CGI visual effect. However, his presence still evoked feelings of anxiety in the spectators who were waiting for him to arrive while the ceremony was taking place.

The images provided really support the plot shown, moreover, the scores used also reinforce the creepy nuance being presented. Shooting low, detailed, wide and medium angles looks neat and pleasant enough for long viewing.

Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis movie

Although some scenes will make the audience close their eyes at the same time. The appearance of the players is also taken care of, such as the external wounds that look terrible with the help of blood and peeled skin creating hideous maggots.

Visuals and scores are very important in a movie, especially a horror movie. Why is that, because the two must unite to strengthen the story presented, so that it brings a nuance of mystery with terrifying horror.

Conclusion of the movie Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis

Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis adds to the ranks of horror films being shown this year. Presenting the issue of demon worship of a group of sects, the story is shown to have a sense of closeness to phenomena that often occur in society.

Not completely trusting foreigners and the new environment, especially children abroad, is one of the messages this film wants to convey. In addition, ‘Devil’s Sacrifice’ also shows the consequences of someone falling into a cult, once they enter, they will not be able to leave.

For Cilers who like horror movies with lots of tension and suspense, Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis is suitable to watch with friends and closest people. The broadcast time also coincides with the year-end holiday. What are you waiting for? Let’s watch Tumbal Kanjeng Iblis in theaters!

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