Sister Sister 2 Movie Review

The movie Sister Sister 2 tells about the life of Ba Tra and Tu Nhi – the two most famous beauties in Saigon at that time. The work introduces the miracles that Ba Tra has, the reason why he is seduced by men, and Tu Nhi’s past. In addition, the golden age of the two is also recreated in the work.

Synopsis of Sister Sister 2

3 years after the first movie, sister 2 continue to make psychological films with classic motifs, focusing on the confrontation between two women. In this part, the story begins with Nhi’s (Ngoc Trinh) admiration for Ba Tra (Minh Hang). Nhi, a person who comes from prostitution, is despised as a person at the bottom of society, has found a way through plans and calculations to approach the First Beauty of Saigon – Ba Tra to change her life. .

Sisters and sisters 2

Ms. Ba has adopted Nhi as her adopted sister, helping her wash away her lowly label and be reborn as Miss Tu Nhi. As a result, the two became a close-knit pair of sisters, and they earned their reputation as a rising star, followed by money, fame, and plans to reach number one.

Reviews of the movie Sister Sister 2

Vu Ngoc Dang tells the story of the life of a famous character, who used to spend a lot of ink on journalists at that time. However, he still knows how to make Miss Ba Tra become new in the eyes of viewers. The press talked a lot about the beauty of Ba Tra, but at that time there were not enough means to record this beauty. Only to “Sister Sister 2”, we can somewhat feel the beauty, temperament and charisma of Ms. Ba Tra. Phrases describing the splendor and luxury of Miss Ba Tra are fully expressed by Minh Hang.

Review Sisters 2

The character Tu Nhi, played by Ngoc Trinh, also caused difficulties for the film’s crew of the film Sister Sister 2 because of the lack of material. The story of Tu Nhi only introduces that, with the desire to change her life, she met Ba Tra and asked her to adopt her as her adopted sister. Ba Tra agreed and Tu Nhi’s life reached a new height. However, after that, there were many rumors that Tu Nhi had betrayed Ba Tra and gave up her title of First Beauty in Saigon.

With limited material, director Vu Ngoc Dang created a complex and moving story for the character Tu Nhi in the movie Sister Sister 2. How Tu Nhi found Ba Tra and became her adopted brother. very cleverly created. Ngoc Trinh has performed excellently the role of Tu Nhi, this is her best role ever.

Reviews on Sisters 2

In addition to Ba Tra, famous as Co Ba Sai Gon, which is known by many people, the character Tu Nhi is little known. Information about this woman is quite vague, only known as a sister of Ms. Ba. However, “Sister Sister 2” has made an effort to create the whole process of transformation from psychology to appearance for Nhi, a prostitute who becomes a lady representing as famous as a girl. The journey of makeover and the effort to escape from the lowest class to the top of fame, and the boys who surround each day create more space for more dramatic confrontation.

Compared to the rumors and information about the beautiful characters in the 1930s, the content in the movie “Sister Sister 2” has been mixed with many fictional elements to make the story more interesting. The film is 1 hour 55 minutes in length and is divided into 3 parts: meeting, bonding and untying, with the relationship between Ba Tra and Tu Nhi being key. The minus point in the script is that the film circuit progresses unevenly, causing the feeling of a long story. In addition, the solution package in the film is also simple to pale compared with the sophisticated plans set out from where causing conflicts and disappointments.

In terms of pictures, the sound of the movie

The film Sister Sister 2 is focused on recreating the scene of Saigon in the old years, with a selection of old French architecture and many splendidly decorated street scenes. In addition, the costume of the character Ba Tra is constantly changed in the film, creating an ethereal and seductive image, while the character Tu Nhi has a transformation in fashion with many outfits that embrace the body contours.

Movie Sisters 2

The film has a scene in the slums of Bugs, Bugs, where prostitution takes place, carefully selected. The color part of the film has a contrast between the life of silk and the road of selling incense and selling chalk. The film’s sound is matched, pushing the atmosphere and the rhythm of the story up. Eating the most points is the segment of Ba Tra – Tu Nhi sisters fighting with a group of detractors, insulting themselves in the middle of a bustling market with a musical direction.

Contains many meanings inside

The acting of Minh Hang and Ngoc Trinh created many highlights with the support of the language used in the film. Recreating the style of modern women is not easy, because there are regional differences in accents and vocabulary, as well as many changes compared to modern dictionaries. The choice to use the word “man” instead of “man” or “first” instead of “first” shows the attention to detail of director Vu Ngoc Dang.

Reviews Sisters 2

In the film, Minh Hang and Ngoc Trinh created many highlights with the support of the right language at the time the event took place. Both have a good interaction with each other, with many gestures and tones aligned to suit the moment. To do this, the actors had to learn about the culture and way of communication of the Saigon people at that time, based on many sources of information. Actor Luong Manh Hai provided support from afar by donating the book “Saigon Tap Pin Lu” by author Vuong Hong Sen and documents about Saigon in the first half of the 20th century.

The regret of the movie Sister Sister 2 is that it is based on a famous anecdote, but has a rather light and predictable narrative. Metaphorical elements are installed continuously, many meanings are difficult to find the key point. The thesis has potential but goes on too long and isn’t strong enough, and ends up drifting with the story.

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