Sex Tape Movie Review

Advances in technology make people’s lives easier. In the past, we needed to carry a camera to capture an object. Along with the increasingly digital age, we only need to carry a smartphone.

The smartphone is equipped with a camera. Some can even take pictures of objects in high resolution. Camera features on mobile phones are getting better and better.

There are certain moments in life that we want to capture. That photo or video can then be used to remember those moments. The moment when performing an intimate scene is for some people a special one.

What if footage of intimate scenes intended for a private collection was leaked? That is the story unfolded in the movie Sex Tape.

Sex Tape movie summary

  • Release year : 2014
  • Genre : Comedy
  • Production : Columbia Pictures, MRC, LStar Capital, Escape Artists
  • Director : Jake Kasdan
  • Actors : Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Coddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe

Jay and Annie Hargrove are a married couple. The two have been in love since college. Jay is a radio DJ.

Meanwhile, Annie works as a blogger specializing in writing articles about the family. They have two children. Complicated family life makes it difficult for Jay and Annie to have quality intimate moments.

Annie left two children with her mother. Jay and Annie try to rekindle their sexual passion. That passion has waned since they got married.

Jay has trouble getting an erection. Annie suggests recording their sex on an iPad. They practice different styles derived from a book called The Pleasure of Sex.

After sex, Annie asked Jay to delete their intimate video immediately. They felt sorry to record the three-hour video. Jay even accidentally uploaded a video through the Franken-synch app.

This app is for sharing files with other iPads under one account. As a result, the video went viral. If left unchecked, the distribution of their videos will spread further.

Jay realized that he had given away several iPads to friends, family, and co-workers. While Annie once gave the iPad to Hank Rosenbaum, who would invest in Annie’s blog.

Jay and Annie try to delete their intimate video using Cloud. Unfortunately, their efforts were unsuccessful. They are trying to find another way to delete the video.

The only way to stop Jay and Annie’s intimate video from going viral is to take every iPad they’ve ever given. They came one after another with their family and friends.

Some of them don’t want to give up the iPad. Annie and Jay have to secretly get the iPad. They handed over the iPad after deleting their intimate video.

Jay and Annie are relieved that all the iPads containing their videos have been cleaned. Howard, a friend of Jay and Annie’s child, threatens.

He said he would upload the video to the YouPorn website. He demanded a $25,000 fee to keep the video from going viral. What steps will Annie and Jay take?

Promising premise

Promising premise

Jay and Annie’s desire to make a sex video in Sex Tape makes sense. They are described as having no more passionate sex lives.

Sex life has changed dramatically since college. At the beginning of the film, the two are depicted as having a high sex drive. The passion disappears after they are busy with family matters.

This film presents the premise of distributing private videos without consent. In today’s digital world, there are many similar cases happening.

Unfortunately, the promising premise was not executed well. Instead, the story turns to the adventures of Annie and Jay, deleting the video. It is also shallowly packed. The way they deal with conflicts, feels too absurd.

Instead of showing the impact of an intimate video going viral, the film just discusses what’s going on on the surface. Annie and Jay were only described as feeling embarrassed if the video went viral.

Shame was the only effect mentioned. There is no deeper psychological approach. Maybe because you want to protect tons of comedy in the movie.

Comedy elements are used to promote the plot. Throughout the movie, we will have to deal with the wrong decisions of Jay and Annie. Wrong decisions are not rational enough .

They even seem to make stupid decisions. The decisions they make do not reflect the two people who work in the creative industry.

Full of Plot Hole

Full hole lot

This movie, directed by Jake Kasdan, has a lot of potholes . Jay and Annie are depicted living in a rather luxurious house in the suburbs.

Jay and Annie’s job description doesn’t quite make sense to own such a luxurious home. So are the stories of people who love handing iPads over to family and co-workers.

Having an iPad inside is essential for the story to unfold. Jay shares an iPad with his friends to share the music he makes. Jay shares music via the Franken-synch app.

The weird thing is that the app can’t delete the video. Applications that were the source of the conflict were not given special details. So we wonder, how does the app work.

In terms of cinematography, this movie is nothing special. Mid shot as well as close-up as the mainstay. Elect tons throughout the film using warm colors.

Cinematography and visuals are not the two things this movie wants to show specifically. Comedy is preferred. Too bad the humor is so lame.

Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel

Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel

Sex Tape features two big names. Cameron Diaz is one of the best-selling actors of the 90s. While Jason Segel is known as a player and writer of comedies.

The two played together in the movie Bad Teacher. Unfortunately, they don’t display the strong chemistry in the Sex Tape movies. Maybe it’s because the story feels immature.

Diaz and Segel are depicted as a loving couple. A long-term relationship does not fade that love. It’s just that they didn’t have the same sexual desires when they were in college.

There is no scene depicting two people falling in love. Most of the footage shows them as two people in a difficult situation.

The depth of the characters played by Diaz and Segel in the film is very lacking. The two of them look too similar. In this movie, the two of them even look like the bestie is not a couple.

Diaz is not the type of actor who is good at comedy. He seems to be doing his best. Meanwhile, Segel seems flexible when it comes to the comedies that are his world.

Sex Tape comes with a promising premise of sharing videos privately without consent. The result is a typical Jason Segel comedy.

This film provides light entertainment with a length of 94 minutes. The story is less memorable, but still recommended if you want to see Cameron Diaz in a comedy. What is your favorite Cameron Diaz movie? Write below, come on!


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