Prey Movie Review

The series Prey became the highest-grossing channel on Hulu, having become a top show in several countries. Prey also premieres on Disney+ Hotstar on August 5, 2022. Based on the “Predator” franchise from 20th Century Fox, it is a prequel to the first film “Predator” in 1996. .

‘Prey’ is directed by Dan Trachtenberg and written by Patrick Aison. Starring Amber Midthunder, Dakota Beavers, Michelle Thrush, Stormee Kipp, Julian Black Antelope and Dane DiLiegro. The story revolves around Naru, a skilled Comanche warrior, protecting his tribe from highly evolved aliens that hunt humans for sport, battling the wilderness and fur traders for their sport. keep its people safe.

The film’s development began during the production of ‘The Predator’ (2018), when producer John Davis approached Trachtenberg and Aison, with a concept they had been developing since 2016. At the end of 2016. In 2020, the title of the film was revealed to be the fifth film in the franchise. Filming takes place around Calgary in the summer of 2021, with the English version of the screenplay and all Comanche languages ​​being filmed.

‘Prey’ premiered at San Diego Comic-Con on July 21, 2022. The film received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for its action. Many critics call it the best Predator series since the first film.

Prey . movie synopsis

A young woman in Comanche, Naru (Amber Midthunder) also wants to join the hunt with the boys. Naru, who was taught healing and cooking, was always not accepted in the hunting group, which happened to be a man.


His brother Taabe (Dakota Beavers) continues to assist Naru with his advanced thinking skills to make hunting easier. Once, when Naru was hunting with his dog, Naru found not only dangerous wild animals.

Naru tries to warn Taabe and his team to be careful, as it’s not just wild animals that are dangerous in the forest. A mysterious figure with even more terrifying hunting technology is hiding unseen.

The predator (Dane DiLiegro) from an alien planet also joins the hunt with more advanced technology. Naru and his team don’t know this. This was finally believed when Taabe’s group of predators was killed by the Predator.

Naru and Taabe also didn’t go home because they met another group with rifles. The fate of these groups is also the fear of invisible Predators disturbing their hunting activities, even threatening the lives of the entire human race there.

Review of the movie Prey

The beginning of the mysterious Predator’s conflict with humans

The introduction of carnivorous landings when the earth was in its infancy and many predatory groups is well suited to “Predators”. The Comanche hunting group with Naru as the main character and the focus of the conflict really represented the anxiety of the group in the forest at that time. Where women work for light necessities, while men grapple with animals and the more terrifying challenges of the wild.

review prey

Naru, played by Amber Midthunder, has good skills and an intelligence that may be inferior to those of her party. The spirit of adventure and great challenge has brought us to the end to find the anomalies of the mysterious figure of the Predator who has landed on Earth.

The appearance of a Predator creature that mainly hunts without being seen has been around since the beginning of the war, so we’re not really curious as to what is haunting Comanche. However, the mystery of the story is, what was Predator’s motive for choosing that place as his first landing spot? The superiority of just one organism raises many questions.

Summary of prey

If you watch a few Predator movies, you may feel more aggressive in the way the Predator hunts in a variety of situations and conditions. Because the technology is so advanced, making this ‘Prey’ prequel fit to fill the Predator’s conflict with the humans on Earth.

Colorful Disney-style visuals

This horror film is too dark, showing a lot of blood spilled and body parts, seemingly in contrast to the image of the beautiful panorama of nature. The tonal solution presented by Jeff Cutter as a cinematographer is quite unique. From the green of the trees to the blue of the clouds, it looks bright without the gloom that would support the darkness of the hunt.

Prey review

Beautiful views of the entire forest, complete with big trees, swamps, rivers, to the rocky outcrops. They all appear perfect to support ‘Prey’ visually. With bloodshed throughout the fight, his interaction with his surroundings increases our adrenaline during fights and hunting.

The Predator’s appearance, more hidden or not seen at all, still presents its own tension. The Predator’s view is also back in this movie. All that nostalgic is still on display, even Predator’s early costume doesn’t look as fancy as it does in the movie against Alien.

Introducing prey

Refreshing the Most Successful Franchise

Perhaps out of the many brands of the 70s-80s, this is perhaps the most successful. Too bad ‘Prey’ is only released on streaming platforms. The splendor and beauty of this film is well-suited to appearing perfectly on the big screen.

Learn about Prey

The tension of the Comanche party’s hunt, which would alternate with the Predator’s solo hunt, would be more apparent. The image you’ve been waiting for, how the Predator began his rampage on Earth

Conclusion of the movie Prey

The Predator conflict has lingered in a number of previous films, well executed at the beginning of this prequel. The introduction of the character Naru from Amber Midthunder is a great fit to fill Predator’s superiority with its various technologies.

Prey movie

The panorama of nature continues to serve as the backdrop for the ravishing film, which seems to coincide with Predator’s bloody graphic background. The ferocity of the Predator splits the bodies of animals and humans as if toned by various colorful nature backgrounds.

The franchise returns with a strong prequel, with a new storyline that succeeds in showing a new element of Predator’s mystery, but also brings back many of the nostalgic elements of previous films.


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