Burning Bright Movie Review

Having a pet is a common thing that many people do; both married and single. In addition to being entertained by their funny behaviors, pets can be used as bodyguards or close friends so we don’t feel alone.

But what if the pet is a strange animal that mercilessly asks for mercy and ends up attacking anyone he meets? The above plot is the core of the story in the movie titled Burning Bright produced by Sobini Films and directed by Carlos Brooks.

Burning Bright movie synopsis

  • Release year 2010
  • Genres Action , Crime , Drama , Family , Horror , Medical , Psychological , Survival , Horror
  • Produce Launchpad Productions , Sobini Films
  • Director Carlos Brooks
  • Cast Briana Evigan Charlie Tahan Garret Dillahunt Peggy Sheffield Mary Rachel Dudley

A local safari park is under development, and the owner, John Gaveneau (Garret Dillahunt) buys a tiger to make one of the animals in his collection. At the same time, Kelly (Briana Evigan) is taking her autistic sister, Tom (Charlie Tahan) to the hospital for treatment.

As soon as they wanted to pay for treatment, any access to Kelly’s payments was denied. Kelly immediately called the bank and told him that John had withdrawn all his money and closed the account which angered Kelly. Kelly eventually went to John’s place to ask for his money back, but John refused.

Kelly is becoming more and more short-tempered, he says that his mother (who is deceased) left an inheritance to pay for Tom’s treatment and Kelly’s college. Instead of listening to Kelly’s complaints, John casually said that there was no money to buy tigers and there was no official arbiter of money.

burning bright summary


Hearing this, Kelly collapsed. He couldn’t do anything more. In addition to delaying treatment, Tom also had to postpone school for up to two semesters due to financial problems. Instead of pitying him, John even prepared his house to be shut tight because of an impending storm.

The night passed and the storm began to hit. Kelly has just woken up from a nightmare and is about to go to the kitchen to get a drink. At the same time, the front door of the house opened and a tiger was released into the house by a mysterious person. When he entered the kitchen, he received a notification that John was away.

When she returned to her room, Kelly saw the tiger circling the hallway of the house. Kelly panicked. He immediately grabbed all the windows and doors but they were all locked to death by John to protect the house from the storm. Kelly started to get scared, she immediately ran to Tom’s room and his sister disappeared.

Kelly racked her brain trying to get out of the house and find her sister. He tried to call for help on the phone, but the line was cut during the storm. After that, he tried to search for his cell phone everywhere and only remembered that he left it at the laundry room.

The tiger is constantly searching for prey, it is hungry and will chew on anything that looks like food. This clearly endangers Kelly and Tom. Kelly immediately went down to the basement to get his phone, he dodged the tiger repeatedly and found the phone and called for help.

The 911 service was also busy due to the high need for assistance during the storm. He then tried to call his Stepfather, but his cell phone was left in the car while John was in the bar gambling and drinking. Immediately after executing the summons, the tiger rushed in.

Kelly then climbed up and onto the washing line high above her head. He stayed there as long as he could while the tiger paced back and forth to sniff out Kelly’s scent. Kelly managed to climb up the drain and get into the room where Tom was hiding.

Kelly and Tom end the game of hide and seek with the tigers. Many times Kelly has to face the tiger alone until it bleeds profusely from your claws. Kelly finally got into a room and jammed the door while he nursed his wound, Tom looking terrified.

In the room, Kelly realized a startling reality. Turns out John took all of Kelly and Tom’s insurance policies. John is about to take out the insurance money for their deaths. Kelly then realizes that everything is the work of her terrible stepfather. Then he was ready for war.

Kelly found a gun with 5 bullets. Without a second thought, he immediately grabbed the gun and was about to shoot the tiger dead. Tom is asked to go to the laundry room while Kelly searches for where the tiger was hunted. When he crossed the street with the monster, Kelly immediately opened fire but failed.

Kelly fled and managed to get out of the house by breaking the window and removing a board covering it. When she left the house, Kelly was forced to go back inside because Tom was still at home. He climbs back up and quickly finds Tom and hides in the new fridge together.

Safe from the tiger, they both fell asleep. The next morning, Kelly and Tom heard the family begin to open the front door. Kelly and Tom immediately came out from the refrigerator and saw John holding a gun to kill the tiger so it wouldn’t attack him.

John, who found Kelly, was surprised to find that his stepchild was still living with Tom. He then wanted to kill them both after confessing that he also killed Kelly’s mother because he wanted to run away from her. He then manipulates Kelly and Tom’s insurance to gain rights to the policyholder.

He also admitted that he was the one who let the tigers into the house to kill them. As he was about to kill Kelly and Tom, the tiger attacked John and tore him apart and started eating him. Seizing the opportunity, Kelly and Tom ran out of the house and left.

Burning Bright movie review

burning bright

This 86-minute film will neither give you nor give you a chance to breathe. Screenwriters, Christine Coyle Johnson and Julie Prendiville Roux neatly wrote down the events Kelly and Tom will go through while dealing with the bengal tiger at home.

In addition, the jumpscare appears to fit very well, so it doesn’t make us tired because the hearts are randomly donated continuously. It made us even more focused on what happened after that. The sound selection is also great so we can’t predict if danger will come our way.

Kelly smart girl

Kelly is a smart girl, despite her small stature, she can withstand the horror of a bengal tiger dozens of times its size. We will be brought to the story of how clever Kelly was able to escape the tiger even though he had to be aggressive because of the wild animal’s claws.

You will feel like you are in a movie and become Kelly as tigers hunt all over the porch. The most epic scene and the best decision Kelly makes is when she hides in the laundry line. He has to keep his weight and get wet so the tiger doesn’t kill him!

Practice premise

Review burning bright

A premise like this still seems to sell well in the market, doesn’t it? All-carnivorous wildlife is a great idea to sell to filmmakers. Movies like this have sold before like Jaws (1975), Red Water (2003), Frankenfish (2004) and the like. But what makes this movie so interesting is the animals used.

If in the film, the wild animals used as villains are animals like sharks, piranhas, crocodiles, spiders and the like, then Burning Bright presents tigers which are quite Rarely used in movies. A similar movie finally resurfaced in 2007 under the title Prey and in 2022 under the title Beast.

Carlos Brooks has succeeded in making this movie truly horror using only the horror of wild animals. The audience enjoyed the good story and the acting ability of Briana Evigan. Read on to give this Burning Bright a rating of 3.8 / 5, so if you haven’t seen it, watch it now!

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