365 Days: This Day Movie Review (2022)

Massimo and Laura are now married and their love grows stronger, although sometimes Laura still doesn’t understand Massimo’s overly protective attitude.

Seeing Massimo having an affair, Laura decides to go with Nacho to a deserted island. It turns out that what Laura didn’t realize was that she was involved in a clash of two mafia groups.

365 Days: This Day released by Netflix on April 27, 2022 as the sequel to the movie 365 Days (2020), this film continues the love story of Laura and Massimo after a car accident occurred. at the end of the first movie.

Given the poor quality of the 365 Days movie, can this sequel be able to fix the shortcomings of the first film? Or will it be a huge step forward in content instead of just including hot scenes like part 1. Let’s find out with the movie Salenhanh through the review below.

Summary of the movie 365 Days: This Day (2022)


  • Release year 2022
  • Genre Drama, Romance
  • Produce Ekipa , Open Mind One
  • Giám đốc Barbara Białowąs, Tomasz Mandes
  • Cast: Anna-Maria Sieklucka Michele Morrone Magdalena Lamparska

Laura wears a wedding dress on the balcony of the mansion and makes love to Massimo. Olga comes to spoil the moment. After the wedding, Laura and Massimo went on a honeymoon.

But after returning to Sicily, Laura’s life becomes boring because Massimo is always busy with her work.

Laura often goes with Olga to the beach, to high-class restaurants and shops. But unbeknownst to Laura and Olga, Massimo’s men were always nearby.

Until Laura and Olga were dining at the restaurant, Massimo raped them and an argument broke out between them.

While alone, Laura is approached by Nacho, Massimo’s gardener. Laura was immediately captivated by the handsome man. That evening, Laura accompanied Massimo to a party.

Laura asks Massimo to leave because he is bored, but Massimo has to talk to someone. Laura then sees Massimo making up with his ex-girlfriend, Anna.

Laura runs to the park and meets Nacho, then the two go to a deserted island. Laura feels comfortable with Nacho’s hospitality.

He also met Nacho’s younger brother, who admired his brother very much. Laura has always dreamed of making love to Nacho, which causes her mind to start to go haywire.

As Laura and Nacho drew closer, a terrifying incident occurred one night. There were people trying to get into the house, but Nacho got past them.

Laura began to ask herself, who is Nacho’s real image? Meanwhile, Massimo, busy looking for his wife’s whereabouts, was also scolded by his wife, so he immediately returned to Poland.

Laura eventually finds out that Nacho is related to Massimo. They go to see Nacho’s father, who turns out to be the head of Massimo’s rival mafia organization.

Nacho went straight to her father, who was holding a meeting with Massimo, while Laura was taken away by Nacho’s father’s bodyguard.

Nacho realizes that the person who brought Laura is not her father’s bodyguard. Nacho and Massimo immediately searched for Laura, who was dealing with a figure that took her by surprise.

Who is that? Can Nacho and Massimo find Laura before it’s too late? Watch the movie to find out for yourself!

Review of the movie 365 Days: This Day (2022)

Visualize video clip style

Visualize the style of video clip synthesis

It was a surprise that the movie 365 Days (2020) was so popular when it was broadcast by Netflix on its streaming platform. Although the majority of film critics gave this film a bad review, us included.

Then what will be provided by the duet director in this next film? Of course we expect all the shortcomings in the first film, especially from the script and acting aspects, to come out better.

Based on the second novel in the 365 Days trilogy titled This Day, this series should start right at the end of the first movie. But apparently, the story begins some time after the car accident that happened to Laura in the tunnel.

According to Laura herself, the accident was severe enough that she miscarried. But there are no scars on his body from the accident as he repeatedly appears nude with Massimo.

And Massimo also said that one of the men in the car at the time of the crash resigned because he was injured.

From the two facts given, we certainly suspect that Laura’s accident was very serious and fatal. And we still have hope that the story will be told, not just let go.

Not only is the accident not replayed, the 1 hour 51 minute film also misses some key moments that support the story, such as Laura and Massimo’s process of making their marriage contract.

Unlike other movies that portray this moment in a spiritual way, when the bride and groom say, “I have! , this movie replaces it with raucous music.

Maybe he wants to be different, but in this way the romantic nuances of marriage disappear.

And really, 80% of this movie is like a collection of video clips with a playlist of up to 35 songs. If we want to calculate the details, only about 15-20 minutes are the scenes containing the story and dialogue, the rest is the montage of the sex scenes.

Competition love less strong

Competition love less strong

As for the story, this film with a beautiful setting in Italy is no different from other romantic stories.

What can break the love chain of a couple like Laura and Massimo? The economic factor seems unlikely, considering that Laura travels around Sicily every day and spends time in luxurious places.

The easiest of course is to insert a third person. In this movie, the character is Nacho, a handsome and dashing gardener.

He arrives at the right time and manages to fill Laura’s heart with warmth. His nature and attitude contrast with Massimo. The nachos are very gentle and caring.

However, one question was finally raised by Laura, which is how a gardener can lead a lavish life.

It’s a bit confusing when we look at Nacho’s house and daily life looking very luxurious, even though the car is a limited edition that not all rich people have.

We can think of this Nacho as Massimo’s younger brother, as he was about to tell Laura. But all was revealed when Nacho introduced Laura to his sister.

And suddenly, without enough of a story bridge, Laura is told by Nacho that he is the son of rival mafia leader Massimo. Laura was immediately angry and disgruntled. The times with you like I don’t want to remember anymore.

But is Nacho a worthy match for Laura’s Massimo? If we do a quick analysis, actually Nacho is more suitable for women who crave maximum romance.

But Laura was not that kind of woman. He longed for the satisfaction he could only get from Massimo. In your opinion, Laura is more suitable for Massimo or Nacho?

The plot is predictable and lacks depth

The plot is predictable and lacks depth

From the first movie, we know Massimo is a mafia leader from Sicily. But what is the job of a mafia in this movie?

Don’t compare it to Don Corleone in The Godfather trilogy, the mafia job in this movie is just dressed up like being in a fashion show and talking in whispers. That’s all!

And when a rival mafia executes a secret plan that we can easily guess after learning Massimo has a twin brother, the tension of the movie starts to run high.

But also ironically, the final scene doesn’t seem to reach the climax. Especially when we look at how these mafias shoot, it’s really unconvincing.

Overall, 365 Days: This Day has no better performance than the first movie. Our hopes for improvement on all fronts were unrequited by two directors engrossed in the idea of ​​an unimpressive video clip.

The performance of the two main characters is also below the performance of the first film, thus disappointing us.

With such quality, I don’t understand why Netflix dares to buy the rights to this movie and turn it into a trilogy that is filmed continuously.

The only plus point of this film is the cinematography in showing the natural beauty of Sicily. However, if you look closely, the camera placement feels monotonous because the same movement is repeated over and over again.

Do you still want to continue this passionate love story of Laura and Massimo into the third movie? If you’re interested, watch this movie first before hooking up to the latter. Have fun watching!


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