You’re not Alone movie review

In the past weeks, for movie lovers, it is probably one of the quiet times because most of the movies are rescheduled to avoid the Covid epidemic and the number of movies being released each week is also low. reduced by more than half.

Review movie lurkers

Although recent movies such as Death Crocodile, Unjust Mansion are all very good movies, but I still want to experience a more creepy and scary ghost movie instead of scares. with blood and death. That’s why I hope You’re not Alone will bring me true fears from the mysterious and ghostly spiritual world.

You’re Not Alone Movie Synopsis

You’re not Alone is one of the horror movies that will be released on August 14, a time when many movies have been delayed.

Movie You're Not Alone

The film revolves around Emma, ​​a mother who has regained custody of her daughter Isla after her ex-husband suddenly passed away. Although many people doubt that Emma can take good care of Isla, she always hopes that the new life and new environment of mother and daughter may be the best start to improve their relationship. 2 mother and daughter.

As soon as moving to a new residence in a clean but no less magical house, strange things gradually appear at night such as the camera detecting mysterious movements inside the house, dark shadows. flashed past as a signal of the presence of a ghostly thing lurking inside the house of mother and daughter.

Review Movie You're Not Alone

While Emma was trying to figure out what was going on in her own home, the foster daughter seemed to know something when she repeatedly warned that someone was in the house and constantly followed. watch her as well as Emma.

The lurker

What the hell is living inside the house, what is his purpose? Will Emma and Isla be safe in their new home and will the mother-daughter relationship become better after the events that have happened?

Go to the theater and choose for yourself the best place to watch this exciting but also scary horror movie today. Remember to wear a mask to protect yourself and join hands to help Vietnam prevent and repel the Covid-19 epidemic.

Movie theater of the lurker

Review movie review The Hidden

It can be said that the background of the movie lurkers is one of the familiar motifs of a horror film with horror themes with dark and horror images in a new house full of secrets. hidden. However, this is still a safe motif that many followers of horror movies love.

In addition, the film also brings wonderful moments about mother and child affection, even though they have only just met again, they are ready to defy danger to protect and protect their little child. If you are one of the followers of horror movies, You’re not Alone will be the perfect choice for you.

Salenhanh – Product review blog
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